Medicine Admissions

Get into Medicine.

Guiding you through your application, every step of the way.

At The OTC, we do things differently.

A Free First Consultation

At the OTC, we offer you the chance to meet with one of our founding partners before your first session - completely free of charge - in order to ask any questions and alleviate any worries that you may have. It’s also a chance to tell us a little more about your goals, and how we can help you to achieve them. All the information you give us can then be relayed back to our tutoring team as they craft your tutoring plan.

A Bespoke Plan, Tailored to You

At the OTC, we understand that no students are the same. Therefore, we have done away with the cookie-cutter model favoured by many online tutors, and provide personalised teaching to directly address our students’ weaknesses. This means we won’t waste time covering facets of the application to medical school where you already feel confident.

In order to achieve this, we ensure that you are part of the creation of your bespoke tuition plan. In addition to your free, no-obligation 15-minute consultation with one of our founding partners, we encourage you to submit feedback at the end of each session, which allows us to further tailor tuition to your needs.

A Network of Mentors

Our elite tutors have successfully navigated the medicine admissions process themselves, and they have all successfully secured offers from Oxbridge (in addition to a host of other prestigious universities). They know the journey inside out, from choosing your universities to getting your offer, and have successfully mentored candidates down this same path. It should be noted that wherever you are applying, we guarantee you time with a tutor who has been successful in the relevant interview format (MMI, panel, Oxbridge).

Particularly for mock interviews, we avoid assigning you a single tutor, but rather encourage you to work with multiple members of our team. Not only does this mean you are exposed to more insights, but it better represents the interview experience of meeting someone new for the very first time. Going forward, we hope that the connections you make with our tutors will continue to serve you well in your time at university, and indeed your future career.

Round-the-Clock and End-to-End Support

At the OTC, we endeavour to ensure that we are available to answer your queries whenever you have them, ensuring that you don’t waste a second when preparing for medical school. After your initial consultation, it typically takes us two working days to devise an action plan and assign you a Head Tutor. From then on, we aim to respond to any query or worry within 24 hours.

Elite Service for Less

At the OTC, we believe that an investment in knowledge pays the best interest. That’s why we ensure that we offer elite service at an affordable price. We know that the OTC offers prospective medics the leg up that they need to achieve their goals, so we try to make our service accessible to as many people as possible, from all walks of life.

Our service is competitively priced within the tutoring market, and we believe that it offers the best value available given the pedigree of our teaching.

OTC Medicine 360 Plan

Work Experience & Volunteering Advice. Identifying how and where to volunteer or conduct work experience can feel like a mountain to climb.

We give you a step up with advice and contacts, so that you can ensure that your application is rooted in evidence that you have done your research and undertaken the necessary preparation.

Admissions Test Prep (UKCAT & BMAT). Your admissions test is as important as your A-Level / IB exams, yet the amount of resources and preparation available offered by schools is rarely sufficient.

Your dedicated OTC Tutor will unpick the complexities of the UKCAT / BMAT, providing actionable insight so that you can stand head and shoulders above the competition.

Academic Enrichment. A deep, authentic knowledge of medicine as a career and as a science is the cornerstone upon which successful applications are built. But, this is not taught in school.

Our tutors will guide your supracurricular exploration of the degree, and help you formulate thoughts and opinions on your findings through engagement in academic discussion designed to replicate an interview.

Interview Preparation (MMI, Panel, Oxbridge). Our tutors will equip you with the skills required to excel at interview, whatever the format at your chosen university.

Sessions will focus on both developing the fundamental skills and competencies required to excel, before applying these in mock interview scenarios.

Personal Statement Counselling. Your personal statement is the initial opportunity to stand out from the crowd, and first impressions matter. Our bank of successful Medicine personal statements can guide and shape your own. They offer insight into not only the supracurricular preparation required, but the linguistic devices used to convey your academic capacity and finesse to the admissions team.

Continued Support. Once our students have received an offer, our support does not stop there. We provide continued guidance through their A-Level/ IB exams to ensure that they achieve their offer, together with transitional support as they make the significant leap from in-school education, to the demands of life as a medical student.

Tutor Spotlight: Medicine Admissions

At The OTC, educational support is continuously tailored to a student’s need. Your bespoke plan will focus on any / all of the above components, as determined in your free 30-minute consultation call. This then acts as a springboard from which to begin your Medicine journey, but is continuously fine-tuned and assessed as we move through the year rather than acting as dogma to be religiously followed.