Oxbridge Admissions

Secure that offer.

Demystifying the Oxbridge admissions process.

At the OTC, we recognise that applying to Oxbridge can be a complicated and intimidating task. The opacity of the interview process combined with a dearth of information concerning admissions tests can often leave students and parents scratching their heads. But it needn’t be this way.

Our elite tutors have gone through the painstaking process of researching colleges, personal statement pitfalls, admissions test techniques, and interview tips / tricks, so that you don’t have to. We offer a holistic approach and guide your child through the entire application process.


The OTC Effect

Applying to Oxbridge is competitive. Our team of academic mentors coach you through each stage of the application process, to help you to find your edge and get that offer.

We are very proud of our track record, averaging a 50%+ acceptance rate over the previous two admissions cycles, with previous OTC students having received places to read Economics (& Management), Engineering, and Natural Sciences amongst a host of other courses in recent years.

Our programmes are bespoke, designed to meet the needs and preferences of each student.

OTC Oxbridge 360 Plan

End-to-end Oxbridge admissions support. Guiding you from personal statement, to admissions test, to interview.

We offer a holistic approach and guide our students through the entire application process, with our expert tutors providing guidance every step of the way. Some of the areas where we focus include:

College and course choice. We use our wealth of experience and expertise to unpick your interests and goals to help you identify which course is right for you. Our application diagnostics team have analysed the data so you don’t have to. We leverage this to maximise your chances of choosing a college/course combination that promises not only an offer, but a fantastic university experience thereafter.

Interview Coaching. Your Head Tutor, an undergraduate or graduate in your chosen course, will lead you through a series of sessions to stimulate your mind, and encourage organic development of the core skills required to excel. This means that no matter what your interviewer throws at you, you will an excellent grounding to tackle the question from first principles.

Personal Statement counselling. Your personal statement is the initial opportunity to stand out from the crowd, and first impressions matter. Our bank of successful Oxbridge personal statements can guide and shape your own. They offer insight into not only the supracurricular preparation required, but the linguistic devices used to convey your academic capacity and finesse to the admissions team.

Mock Interview Carousel. Alongside interview coaching, our students conduct a series of mock interviews. Each of these mock interview sessions will be conducted with a new and unfamiliar tutor from within our network. We find this best replicates the Oxbridge interview, in which you face an unfamiliar subject expert to engage in intense academic discussion. It also means that you are exposed to a range of interview styles and content, offering a breadth of preparation unmatched elsewhere.

Admissions Test preparation (inc. BMAT, LNAT, MAT, TSA). Your admissions test is as important as your A-Level / IB exams, yet the amount of resources and preparation available offered by schools is typically insufficient for the scale of the challenge. Your dedicated OTC Tutor will unpick the complexities of the examination, providing actionable insight so that you can stand head and shoulders above the competition.

Continued support. Once our students have received an offer, our support does not stop there. We provide continued guidance through their A-Level/ IB exams to ensure that they achieve their offer, together with transitional support as they make the significant leap from in-school education, to the demands of independent Oxbridge study.

At The OTC, educational support is continuously tailored to a student’s need. Your bespoke plan will focus on any / all of the above components, as determined in your free 30-minute consultation call. This then acts as a springboard from which to begin your Oxbridge journey, but is continuously fine-tuned and assessed as we move through the year, rather than acting as dogma to be religiously followed.

Tutor Spotlight: Oxbridge Admissions