OTC Top 5 Oxbridge Interview Tips

‘On your personal statement you mention your interest in Chilean poetry, specifically Pablo Neruda, and his veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada. I was curious, of this particular collection of poems, which do you find the most compelling?’

*Uncomfortable silence ensues.* 

‘Errrm, well, I suppose I find that the anthology is best appreciated in its entirety in order to errrr, fully comprehend our poet’s descent from delirious passion into the depths of despair.’

*A tumbleweed blows across the room.*

‘Errrrm right ok. In that case, which poem in particular acts as the pivotal turning point that signifies this shift that you have alluded to?’ 

*Hmmmm, maybe if I remain quiet for long enough they’ll just forget I’m here, and the interview will be over (I think to myself) ... No, they’re still staring at me, I’m just gonna have to blag it.*

‘Well, errrr I guess when you break it down to the minutia, the poems almost have an episodic structure - beginning, middle and end. Three errrm equidistant and distinct parts in which the pivotal turning point is located exactly at the halfway point of the anthology, poem 10.’ 

*The interviewers give each other a look. One of them scribbles down a couple of words on the page in front of them. I can’t quite make it out, but something tells me it's not the words ‘literary genius’.*

Suffice to say my interview experience was not a smooth one. I was underprepared, under pressure, and under the (false) impression I could freestyle literary analysis on erotic poetry I hadn’t read. With interview season upon us, we at the OTC decided now would be the perfect time to impart our top 5 interview tips to ensure you have a memorable interview experience, for the right reasons. 

1. Do your prep 

Make sure that you have read everything you claim to have done on your personal statement. In an Oxbridge interview your personal statement won’t be the focal point of the discussion, however, it will often be used to start the conversation. By knowing your personal statement inside & out, and having interesting opinions in your back pocket, you’ll be able to impress interviewers right out of the gate. 

2. Take your time 

Oxbridge interview questions can be challenging. But you are not expected to come up with an answer straight away. What’s more, answering too quickly can give the impression you have not given ample thought to the question. Take a breath, pause, then answer. Regardless of what you say, interviewers will be far more impressed knowing that you have given their question some serious thought.

3. It’s ok to ask for help!

You are not expected to know everything. Whilst interviewers can be intimidating, they are aware that you’re sixth form students, not senior academics. In an interview they want to help you shine (even if it doesn’t feel like it)! If you are uncertain about a word in the question, simply ask them to rephrase. Or, if you have taken a problem as far as you can, ask the interviewer for their take on how you might take your answer/ argument further, so they can guide you in the right direction. 

4. Speak your mind

It may seem counterintuitive, but the interviewer’s primary concern is not your final answer, rather your thought process. They want to see how you think! The only way you as an interviewee can demonstrate how you think is to verbalise your thought process. Speak out loud what you are thinking to explain why you are choosing to answer a question in a certain way. This empowers interviewers to not only see how you think, but also help guide you as you answer their questions. 

5. Try to enjoy it! 

Ok, if the previous tip appeared counterintuitive, this one appears completely impossible. But bear with me! The reason that Oxbridge conducts interviews is in order to simulate a supervision / tutorial experience - the one-to-one (or sometimes two-to-one) method of teaching that is unique to Oxford and Cambridge. Interviewers want to teach candidates at undergraduate level who enjoy and thrive in these challenging yet rewarding learning environments. So try to remain positive and enjoy the process as much as you can! 

Follow these top 5 tips and you’re well on your way to interview success! To receive more (subject specific) interview preparation please contact us directly. From Maths to Modern Languages, the OTC have it covered! Book your free 10-minute consultation today so we can devise the interview prep package that is right for you, to make sure you get that offer. 


'So, why Oxbridge?' - How to Impress your Interviewer